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Deepgram and RTTM File Format for Diarization

Understanding the Need for RTTM File Format in Diarization

RTTM (Rich Transcription Time Marked) files are a widely-used format in the field of speech processing, often employed for detailed diarization outputs. These files provide rich transcription data, including speaker segmentation details, which can be beneficial for processes where tracking multiple speakers is necessary.

Although Deepgram currently does not directly return RTTM data through its API, the platform handles diarization and provides valuable speaker metadata in a different format that can be used to achieve similar results.

Use Case for RTTM in Diarization

The use of RTTM files can be particularly helpful in applications involving:

  • Speaker segmentation: Identifying and labeling different speakers in audio recordings.
  • Broadcast media: Aligning speech segments with video or audio streams.
  • Advanced analytics: Detailed breakdowns for any audio analysis systems requiring speaker attribution.

Alternatives Using Deepgram

While Deepgram doesn't currently support RTTM output, developers can use the diarization capabilities of the Deepgram platform to export speaker-labeled timestamps. This data can then be programmatically converted to RTTM if required by post-processing the output.


While the Deepgram platform doesn’t natively provide RTTM output, it offers robust speaker diarization capabilities that are vital for creating speaker-labeled text. This functionality can be used in conjunction with custom scripts to convert the data to RTTM format if necessary.

References and Sources